Disorderly Conduct Attorneys
in Glendale and Whitefish Bay, WI
The penalties for a disorderly conduct in Glendale, Wisconsin, vary depending on the severity of the conviction. It can be a misdemeanor, which could mean up to a $10,000 fine and/or 9 months in jail. A felony could mean up to 15 years in prison with a $50,000 fine.
If you are facing disorderly conduct charges in Glendale or Whitefish Bay, call Grieve Law's criminal defense attorneys for a free consultation.
Disorderly conduct charges can lead to serious penalties in Wisconsin. A standard disorderly conduct charge is a Class B misdemeanor with a maximum punishment of 90 days in jail, a $1,000 fine or both. If connected to unlawful assembly, it becomes a more severe Class A misdemeanor with up to 9 months in jail and a $10,000 fine.
Even if your charge is a simple ticket or forfeiture, it still creates a potentially damaging criminal record. Background checks will reveal disorderly conduct citations, potentially impacting employment, housing and other areas of your life.
Ultimately, the prosecutors decide whether to pursue criminal misdemeanor charges or civil forfeiture fines based on the circumstances. Regardless of the citation, the defense attorneys at Grieve Law have an excellent track record of reducing disorderly conduct charges or getting them dismissed. Let our experienced lawyers fight to prevent long-term consequences.
What is Disorderly Conduct?
Wisconsin State Statute 947.01 defines disorderly conduct as any behavior, in public or private, that could provoke or disturb others. Some examples of conduct potentially leading to charges include:
- Fighting
- Profanity or hate speech
- Indecent behavior
- Unreasonably loud noise
- Unlawful assembly
- Any provocative or disruptive acts
The broad nature of the statute means police have wide discretion for making disorderly conduct arrests. Even minor acts could potentially be deemed disorderly. Grieve Law’s experienced attorneys provide clarity on disorderly conduct charges and build a strong defense based on the facts of your case.

What if no one was disturbed?
A disorderly conduct charge does not necessarily require a specific victim to be disturbed. Wisconsin law states any behavior potentially provoking disturbance qualifies, even if no victim is directly involved. The mere potential to cause disturbance or provoke retaliation meets the legal criteria.
Don’t assume the police accusations are automatically valid - let Grieve Law’s skilled attorneys review the circumstances and build your strongest cast.
If I Have a concealed carry firearm will I be charged with disorderly conduct?
Having a legally carried firearm does not constitute disorderly conduct in Wisconsin. As long as you have the proper concealed carry license, carrying a weapon for protection is legal and does not alone justify charges. The police must prove you used the firearm with criminal or malicious intent for a disorderly conduct charge involving a weapon to be valid.
Disorderly Conduct with a Domestic Violence Enhancer
If you are charged with disorderly conduct related to a dispute with family, roommates or a significant other, a domestic violence enhancer may be added to the charge. A domestic violence enhancer would threaten your right to own a firearm. Grieve Law’s attorneys work to prevent record damage and maintain your firearm rights through strategic legal advocacy. In domestic violence disorderly conduct situations, you will be given a mandatory no-contact order.
How long do no-contact orders last after a WI domestic violence arrest?
In domestic violence disorderly conduct situations, you will be given a 72-hour no-contact order, prohibiting interaction with any other involved party to prevent further issues. Prosecutors may push for an extended no-contact order until the case begins in court. Violating a no-contact order will lead to additional bail-jumping charges.
Glendale Disorderly Conduct Attorneys Fight for You
Grieve Law’s team of criminal defense attorneys have extensive experience successfully fighting disorderly conduct allegations in Glendale. Lead attorney Tom Grieve has helped hundreds of clients in cases involving disorderly conduct, first-offense DUIs, domestic disputes, and more.
Contact Grieve Law if you are facing disorderly conduct charges in Glendale. Our lawyers will review your situation and provide expert guidance on building your strongest defense. Don’t leave your reputation and future to chance - enlist the help of our skilled legal advocates to effectively challenge the accusations.
How long does disorderly conduct stay on your record in Whitefish Bay?
As a ticket or citation, it will never be expunged from your record because it is not a criminal offense. As a criminal offense, disorderly conduct can be expunged if you are under the age of 25. However, keep in mind that this does not remove the conviction from your record. So, if you have been convicted of disorderly conduct with a domestic abuse enhancer and you have lost your right to possess a firearm, expungement of the case does not reinstate your right to possess a firearm.
How to beat disorderly conduct in Wisconsin
Our attorneys at Grieve Law have extensive experience when it comes to disorderly conduct charges and are very familiar with their defenses. Make sure that you hire an attorney who will stick by your side and stand up for you. Remember, you are only guilty if you are convicted.
Working with a team of experienced attorneys grants you the best chance of getting your charges reduced or dropped. Grieve Law is an award winning criminal defense attorney with years of experience helping clients reduce penalties from domestic violence, first offense DWI and disorderly conduct charges. Don't wait. Call the experts at Grieve Law today.