Drug Trafficking Place House Charges Attorney in Ozaukee & Washington, WI

If you’re convicted of maintaining a drug trafficking place house in Ozaukee or Washington, you face up to 1 year in jail, $25,000 in fines or both. Specific penalties are determined by multiple factors but can fall under Class I felony provisions.

your record How to beat

Penalties & Fines for Manufacturing or Storing Drugs

Wisconsin Statute 961.42 deems keeping a drug house a class I felony. Whether you are producing or storing illegal substances for purchase or personal use, a conviction for either can land you in prison. Even for a first offense, you could face 1 year in jail and/or a $25,000 fine for keeping a drug house. This charge is often combined with other drug-related charges for an even more severe penalty. The penalty and level of the felony are dependent on the substance and the amount.



Felony Type

Jail Time

Maximum Fine

Marijuana 200 grams or less, 4 plants or less Class I 3.5 years $10,000
  200 - 1,000 grams, 4 - 20 plants Class H 6 years $25,000
  1,000 - 2,500 grams, 20 - 50 plants Class G 10 years $25,000
  2,500 - 10,000 grams, 50 - 2,000 plants Class F 12.5 years $25,000
  10,000+ grams / 200+ plants Class E 15 years $50,000
Cocaine 1 gram or less Class G 10 years $25,000
  1 - 5 grams Class F 12.5 years $25,000
  5 -15 grams Class E 15 years $50,000
  15 - 40 grams Class D 25 years $100,000
  40+ grams Class C 40 years $100,000
Heroin 3 grams or less Class F 12.5 years $25,000
  3 - 10 grams Class E 15 years $50,000
  10 - 50 grams Class D 25 years $100,000
  50+ grams Class C 40 years $100,000
Methamphetamine 3 - 10 grams Class E 15 years $50,000
  10 - 50 grams Class D 25 years $100,000
  50+ grams Class C 40 years $100,000

Misdemeanors for Maintaining a Drug Trafficking Place or House

A misdemeanor applies when the place is solely for using drugs OR the place is only for producing illegal substances.

How is a Drug Trafficking “Place” Defined in Wisconsin Law?

  • The charged individual kept and/or maintained a building or place
  • Persons used illegal substance in the building or place OR the building or place was used to manufacture, store or deliver illegal substances
  • The charged person knew the building or place was being used this way

Free Lawyer Consultations for Drug Trafficking Place Charges

If you need an attorney for drug trafficking place house charges, work with Grieve Law for the best outcome. We offer free lawyer consultations for Ozaukee & Washington, WI residents. Grieve law has experienced attorneys and we’ll work to drop or significantly reduce your drug trafficking place house charges

Contact Grieve Law if you need an Attorney for Drug Trafficking Place House Charges in Ozaukee or Washington, WI.

How Long Will Drug Trafficking Charge Stay on my Record

While some of the charges discussed are eligible for expungement, record removal processes are rarely successful. Note, a court-granted expungement will not remove the conviction, but rather hide it from public view. Grieve Law will build a case to avoid this process by getting the charges dismissed/reduced in the first place.

How to Beat Drug Trafficking Place Charges in Ozaukee & Washington

The most common route is to examine the legalities of the case. The most successful defense is challenging the processes of search and seizure. Police require a requisite level of probable cause before they are legally allowed to search anything. If we can prove there was no probable cause, the court will throw out any evidence illegally seized. The best route is finding an experienced attorney for drug trafficking place house charges - like Grieve Law.