Schedule III Substance Possession Wisconsin's penalties, fines, & jail time?

Penalties for possession of a Schedule 3 drug are often classified as a Class H felony, which can be a fine of up to $10,000, up to 6 years in prison or both. Schedule 3 drug charges are not a conviction.

Drug FAQ

Don't Let Fines & Penalties from Schedule 3 Drug Possession in Wisconsin Destroy Your Life

The State of Wisconsin defines a Schedule 3 substance as any substance with “a moderate to low potential for physical or high psychological dependence.” Getting busted for possession of a Schedule 3 drug in Wisconsin is typically a Class H felony, which can be a fine of up to $10,000 and imprisonment up to 6 years.

Schedule 3 Drug Possession in Wisconsin: Ketamine, Steroids, Codeine

Overview of Wisconsin Statute 961.17: Schedule III tests.

Wisconsin law outlines the criteria for including a drug in the category of Schedule III drugs. Under the law, a Schedule III drug is one with a lower potential for abuse than those included in Schedules I and II; one that has currently accepted use as a medical treatment; and one which is characterized by low to moderate physical and psychological dependence when abused.

Drugs that fit the Wisconsin and DEA classification as Schedule 3 drugs include:

  • Products containing less than 15 mg of Vicodin per dosage unit
  • Products containing less than 90 mg of codeine per dosage  unit
  • Ketamine
  • Anabolic Steroids
  • Testosterone
Grieve Law is experienced in getting Schedule 3 drug possession charges reduced or dropped. Contact us for a consultation today.

In Wisconsin, how long does a Schedule 3 drug charge stay on your record?

Schedule 3 drug charges could be listed on a Wisconsin resident's permanent record even if the person isn't convicted and avoids penalties that could reach $10,000.