Possession of Viagra Wisconsin Fines, Penalties, & Dealing Consequences

Misdemeanor illegal possession of Viagra, under Wisconsin drug law, could result in a maximum fine of up to $500, no more than 30 days in jail or both.

Drug FAQ

Even if you have been caught with pills in your possession, if the cops obtained the evidence outside the bounds of your constitutional rights, the court may declare the evidence void. Without evidence, your conviction disappears. There are also possibilities of mitigating circumstances that could lessen your charge. Tempting as it may be to do your own research online as to what your options are, an experienced criminal defense lawyer is your best chance at getting your charges reduced or dropped. Grieve Law is an experienced criminal defense firm known for taking drunk driving cases and winning. Learn more about Wisconsin's OWI penalties.

Contact Grieve Law about your Viagra drug case in Milwaukee. You're only guilty if you're convicted.

In Wisconsin, how long does a Viagra charge stay on your record?

Illegal Viagra possession could lead to $500 fine in Wisconsin, but even if you�re not convicted, the charges could remain on your record for life.