My daughter got an OWI (Wisconsin) What should I do?

IF your daughter is charged with an OWI, it is important to speak with an OWI attorney about her options to fight for her rights. First-offense OWI could result in license revocation for up to 9 months, a $150-$300 fine and other consequences.


If your daughter gets arrested for underage drinking and driving, even if it's her first offense OWI, she’s facing a fine of $200, 3-month suspension of her license, and 4 driver’s license demerit points. If someone under 16 was in the car with her, the fine and suspension double. On a scale of annoyed to outraged, you’re sitting somewhere right around furious (with some disappointed and embarrassed mixed in). You’re not sure what to do next or what the consequences will be long-term.

Other sentencing items following your daughter’s DUI conviction include:

  • SR-22 insurance verification (when she is eligible to drive again)
  • Installing an Ignition Interlock Device (depending on her BAC)
  • Probation requirements including alcohol assessment and random testing

Whether this is your child’s first OWI or she’s a repeat offender, she needs the best representation she can get to ensure the best outcome.

Daughter got an OWI in WisconsinThat’s where Grieve Law comes in.

Our OWI defense attorneys have years of experience getting drunk driving charges reduced or eliminated to minimize the penalties. We have an in-depth understanding of Wisconsin’s OWI laws, OWI consequences, as well as the Absolute Sobriety “Not a Drop” laws for underage drivers.

You Are Only Guilty If You Are Convicted®

We’re dedicated to minimizing the legal penalties for your daughter’s case so she can get past this mistake.

Contact our Milwaukee drunk driving lawyers to schedule a free consultation for your daughter.

In Wisconsin, how long does an OWI charge stay on my daughter's record?

If your daughter is convicted of OWI in Wisconsin, it could not only mean fines reaching $1,000 but a lifelong OWI on her record.