OWI 1st Offense & Possession of Marijuana
Another charge. Another real RESULT.
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Outcome: Dismissed!
Our client was charged with OWI-1st, PAC-1st, and possession of THC in Wisconsin. According to the police report, our client’s license was suspended. Upon investigating the license issue, the officer began an OWI investigation because of an odor of intoxicants and an admission by our client to drinking.
According to the police report, our client failed all three field sobriety tests, and also blew over the legal limit on a preliminary breath test. Our client was placed under arrest and transported to jail where he submitted to an evidentiary test of his breath and his blood. The breath test came back under the legal limit, but the blood test came back at just over the 0.08 legal limit.
The case ended up going to trial, where our attorney successfully questioned the prosecutor’s blood analyst as to the error rate for blood alcohol tests – approximately 0.005 percent. This testimony as to the rate of error led to subsequent negotiations with the prosecutor that resulted in the OWI charge being reduced to a citation for Reckless Driving. Given our attorney’s zealous representation, our client was able to keep his record clean of OWIs.
If you have been charged with OWI in Wisconsin, contact Grieve Law and talk to a team of experienced attorneys who have achieved excellent results on OWI cases for their clients. Learn more about Wisconsin OWI penalties and OWI laws or view our Wisconsin OWI penalty chart.
You're only guilty if you're convicted.
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