Disorderly Conduct with a Motor Vehicle
Another charge. Another real RESULT.
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Outcome: Dismissed!
Grieve Law Gets Disorderly Conduct with Motor Vehicle Charge Dismissed
If you have been charged with a criminal or traffic offense, it is crucial to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney. The award-winning legal team at Grieve Law has successfully defended Wisconsin OWI and traffic cases and obtained dismissals based upon their skillful and insightful negotiations.
Our client was charged with Disorderly Conduct with a Motor Vehicle. According to the police report, our client had deliberately operated his vehicle in such a manner as to annoy, disturb, or endanger another person. Essentially, the police were alleging that our client had intentionally caused a “road rage” incident by deliberately cutting another vehicle off on the highway. (How long does disorderly conduct stay on record in Wisconsin?)
Our attorney began the process of reviewing his case, as we do all traffic offenses. We obtained the police reports and video. After reviewing the reports, our attorney noticed that the “victim” in this case was truly the party responsible for initiating the entire incident. In fact, after investigating the case further, our attorney was able to obtain an email from the “victim’s” boss that indicated the “victim” had a record of bad driving while using the company vehicle. The email specifically noted the incident in question, as well others.
The case was set for trial, but our attorney was able to use this email in negotiations with the prosecutor to get the charges dropped!
If you have been charged with a traffic citation, contact Grieve Law and talk to our team of experienced attorneys who have obtained reductions and dismissals for clients throughout Wisconsin.
You Are Only Guilty If You Are Convicted®
Contact our Milwaukee attorneys for a free case review to see if we can challenge evidence in your case. You Are Only Guilty If You Are Convicted.
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