DUI Homicide & Felon in Possession
Another charge. Another real RESULT.
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Outcome: Dismissed!
Milwaukee Criminal Defense Attorney Gets Felony Charges REDUCED for DUI Vehicular Manslaughter.
My client was involved in a tragic snowmobile accident in which the passenger he was carrying died as the result of injuries she sustained. My client had been drinking, and was therefore facing charges of Homicide by Intoxicated Use of a Motor Vehicle, or vehicular manslaughter.
Fortunately, my client contacted me immediately following the incident, and I convinced the District Attorney to issue a lesser charge that did not include homicide. At sentencing, my client received a stayed sentence and served 6 months in jail with Huber release privileges.
You Are Only Guilty If You Are Convicted
Felony Charges REDUCED for Felon in Possession of a Firearm.
More than two decades prior, this client made a poor decision as a young adult that left him with a WI felony conviction. After turning his life around and leading a productive life away from the criminal justice system, he found himself facing a felon in possession of a firearm in Wisconsin charge.
After reviewing police reports, I discovered that my client’s rights had been violated when the police arrested him without probable cause. I successfully argued to the Court that the evidence obtained as the result of that arrest should be suppressed. Through extensive negotiations with the District Attorney, I achieved a fine-only disposition that allowed my client to keep his job and maintain the life he had earned. Ultimately, the District Attorney’s Office dismissed the charge against my client.
Contact our Wisconsin DUI homicide attorney now to schedule a FREE case assessment.
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