Felony Drug Charges
Another charge. Another real RESULT.
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Outcome: Dismissed
Milwaukee Drug Possession Attorney Gets Felony Drug Charges DROPPED to Probation with Community Service
My client was subject to a high threat drug sting by a Milwaukee SWAT team that entered his apartment on a warrant and caught him with over a pound of marijuana, along with other drugs, multiple scales, and paraphernalia. He was immediately charged with multiple felonies for dealing drugs. The police learned about him after a confidential informant had allegedly purchased narcotics from my client on multiple occasions.
The judge would later characterize my client in open court on a 1-10 scale of drug dealers as a 9. My client was caught with the narcotics and admitted to the police that they all belonged to him. Both he and his family were extremely distraught, as he was a young, educated college man who had been doing this on the side while still maintaining a successful career. Since my client lacked any real defense to the charges, his only hope was me being able to save him through negotiations.
Most people facing Wisconsin felony drug charges would just be hoping to avoid a lengthy prison sentence. Instead, I was able to spare my client any prison time. Instead, he was given probation with community service. Additionally, with successful completion of his probation the charges will be expunged and he will be able to go on with his life with hardly a scratch from the entire event.
Grieve Law has a remarkable record for reducing client charges facing penalties similar to this one, including first offense DUIs, gun charges and domestic violence.
You Are Not Guilty Until You Are Convicted
Contact our Milwaukee drug attorneys now for a FREE case assessment.
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