Erin OWI Attorney Washington County, Wisconsin

OWI defense attorneys in the Erin, Wisconsin area can help Washington County residents fight their first-, second- or even tenth-offense OWI charges in court. If convicted, penalties for a first-offense OWI could include a 6-9 month license revocation, a $350 fine (not to mention a $435 surcharge) and other penalties.


Experienced DUI & Drug Possession Defense Lawyer in Erin, Wisconsin

Grieve Law is a criminal defense law firm with years of award-winning experience in drug possession and Wisconsin OWI cases. We have a team of dedicated lawyers well respected for getting criminal charges reduced or even dropped entirely. Regardless of the criminal charges against you, Grieve Law is your best chance at beating consequences that could dismantle your life. Fee to plea lawyers simply just don’t understand:

You are only guilty if you are convicted™

The attorneys at Grieve Law have a reputation for putting up a fierce fight for our clients’ rights when they’re first-time OWI charges in Erin. Our attorneys have experience in:

Our criminal defense attorneys in Erin, Wisconsin are ready and willing to protect your rights and ensure you the most complete defense possible. If you’re facing a DUI or drug charge, you need to act now, you need Grieve Law on your team. 

Don’t waste any more time, the sooner you get in contact with us the sooner we can start working on strengthening your defense. Rest assured, with Grieve Law you know you’re in good hands.

Erin OWI attorney

Where to Go to Court: 432 E Washington St, West Bend, WI 53090

Sheriff’s Department: 500 Rolfs Ave, West Bend, WI 53095 

Contact the criminal defense lawyer Erin trusts. 

In Erin, Wisconsin, how long does an OWI charge stay on your record?

Even experienced Washington County, Wisconsin, attorneys who have won an OWI case, and avoided penalties of say, $2,000 in fines or 9 months of license revocation, could still find it hard to get an OWI removed from an Erin resident�s record.